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CV Real Estate AG acquires an existing building in Munich, the Bavarian state capital.


CV Real Estate AG has acquired an existing building in Lauchstädter Strasse. The building complex with 33,300 sq m GFA of office space and 513 parking spaces sits on an approx. 20,000 sq m site in the north of Munich. The complex is fully let to BMW AG and lies in the immediate vicinity of the automotive group's headquarters. The overall project offers tremendous potential. This deal will enable CV Real Estate AG to increase its involvement in the long-term management and administration of real estate through its CV Asset Management division.


Location MUNICH
Area 43,340 sq m
Planning KSP Engel Architekten


CV Real Estate AG has acquired an existing building in Lauchstädter Strasse. The building complex with 33,300 sq m GFA of office space and 513 parking spaces sits on an approx. 20,000 sq m site in the north of Munich. The complex is fully let to BMW AG and lies in the immediate vicinity of the automotive group's headquarters. The overall project offers tremendous potential. This deal will enable CV Real Estate AG to increase its involvement in the long-term management and administration of real estate through its CV Asset Management division.
